Reservation Form
Phone Number
Quantity of limos
For large groups on the same exact order
Pickup Date
Pickup Time
Pickup Address
Drop Off Address
Key things to know
Final EXACT PRICE is NOT known until after the reservation calculated at $3/minute. the $69 initial charge includes 23 minutes only, it is NOT a flat rate.
Time starts IMMEDIATELY upon ARRIVAL of the limo.
Maximum capacity of the limo is 14 persons.
Color selection is not guaranteed unless otherwise specified by management, PINK LIMO is $5 per minute if guaranteed.
This reservation form is for a ONE WAY trip, if you like a round trip you will need to make a SECOND reservation on this form.
You will see an additional charge in advance if the system estimates the reservation total to be longer than 23 minutes or in a higher minimum area.
NO pets, food, or smoking allowed in the limos. However drinks are allowed and you may bring your own drinks.
If you like to make a classic legacy HOURLY reservation where the limo stays with you type the time window in the reservation notes, For example 3PM TO 6PM.
Limo travels slower than a normal car by about 40% on regular in town roads and 25% percent on freeways.
Leaving items in the limo is not allowed even for round/multiple trips as it might be a different limo for your other trips
Text us at 512-910-5466 for any questions.